So, we spotted a campsite on the north shore of the lake. We turned to head for it when the winds picked up to around 35-40 mph directly against us. Whitecaps were breaking north-south on Vera Lake, and as you can tell, it's not a very wide lake in that direction! Tracy and I paddled furiously, but the wind was actually pushing us away from the northern shore. We doubled our efforts and slowly began to inch our way toward the campsite. Lightning was striking within 5 miles of by now, and we sure didn't want to be caught out in the middle of a lake on a canoe during lightning strikes. Using all the energy we had, we pushed our way to the northern shore, and once we got close to shore, the lake settled down a little and let us cruise in. We hurried to set up camp once we made it to shore, wanting to protect things from the imminent downpour.
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